Terms of purchase

General terms and conditions
Privacy Policy
General terms and conditions

Owner of the webshop, producer of ceramics:
Főnix Kerámia Bt.

Address: 1 Dunaár Street, 2000 Szentendre, Hungary
Tax ID: 21375255-1-13
Company Registration Number: 13-06-044473
Phone Number: +36 70 360 2791
Email: vevoszolgalat@fonix-keramia.hu


Operator of the webshop, shipping:
M-Invent Kft.

Address: 16 Muskotály Street, 2000 Szentendre, Hungary
Tax ID: 14670015-2-13 Company
Registration Number: 13-09-126908
Phone Number: +36 70 367 4067 Email: vevoszolgalat@fonix-keramia.hu


Hosting service provider: UNAS Online Ltd.
Address: 14 Kőszegi Road, 9400 Sopron, Hungary
Website: www.unas.hu
Contact: unas@unas.hu


Parties: Seller and Buyer collectively.

Seller: The operator of the fonix-keramia.hu online store, hereinafter referred to as the Seller.

Consumer: a natural person acting outside the scope of their profession, independent occupation, or business activity

Consumer Contract: a contract where one of the parties qualifies as a consumer

Website: the current webpage serving the purpose of entering into a contract

Contract: a purchase agreement between the Seller and the Buyer, established through the Website and electronic communication

Means of Distance Communication: a tool suitable for making contractual statements in the absence of the parties, especially including addressed or unaddressed forms, standard letters, advertisements published in the press with order forms, catalogs, telephone, fax, and internet access-providing devices

Distance Contract: a consumer contract concluded within the framework of a remote sales system organized for the provision of goods or services, without the simultaneous physical presence of the parties, where the contracting parties solely use means of distance communication to enter into the contract

Product: any movable chattel capable of being taken into possession and offered for sale on the Website, constituting the subject matter of the Contract

Business: a person acting within the scope of their profession, independent occupation, or business activity

Buyer/You: the person making a purchase offer through the Website and entering into the contract

Warranty: In the case of contracts concluded between the consumer and the business (hereinafter: consumer contract), the warranty according to the Civil Code, including

a) the warranty assumed by the business for the performance of the contract, which goes beyond its legal obligations or is voluntarily assumed in the absence of such obligations, and
b) the mandatory statutory warranty.


The Hungarian legal provisions govern the Contract, particularly the following laws:

  • Act CLV of 1997 on Consumer Protection
  • Act CVIII of 2001 on Certain Issues of Electronic Commerce Services and Information Society Services
  • Act V of 2013 on the Civil Code
  • Government Decree 151/2003 (IX.22.) on the Mandatory Warranty for Durable Consumer Goods
  • Government Decree 45/2014 (II.26.) on the Detailed Rules of Contracts Between Consumers and Businesses
  • Government Decree 19/2014 (IV.29.) by the Ministry of National Economy on the Procedure for Handling Warranty and Guarantee Claims for Goods Sold under Contracts between Consumers and Businesses
  • Act LXXVI of 1999 on Copyright
  • Act CXX of 2011 on Informational Self-Determination and Freedom of Information
  • Regulation (EU) 2018/302 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 28 February 2018 on addressing unjustified geo-blocking and other forms of discrimination based on customers' nationality, place of residence, or place of establishment within the internal market, amending Regulations (EC) No 2006/2004 and (EU) 2017/2394 and Directive 2009/22/EC
  • Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation)

The content of the contract between us is determined by these General Terms and Conditions (hereinafter: Terms), taking into account the provisions of applicable mandatory laws. Accordingly, the Terms include the rights and obligations of both you and us, the conditions for the formation of the contract, deadlines for performance, delivery and payment terms, liability rules, as well as the conditions for exercising the right of withdrawal.

Technical information necessary for the use of the website, not covered by these Terms, is provided by other information available on the website.

You are required to familiarize yourself with the provisions of these Terms before finalizing your order.



The language of contracts falling under these General Terms and Conditions (hereinafter: Terms) is English.

Contracts falling under these Terms do not qualify as written contracts, and the Seller does not register them.


The displayed prices for sale are in Hungarian Forints and are VAT-free due to exemption. Shipping fees include a 27% VAT. The Seller reserves the right to change prices; however, the prices stated at the time of ordering are always applicable. In the event of an incorrect price listing, the Seller offers the option for the buyer to purchase the product at the actual price. With this information, the buyer can decide whether to order the product at the actual price or cancel the order without any adverse legal consequences.


Purchase does not require registration.

Ordering Process

Selecting the Product

By clicking on the product categories on the website, you can choose the desired product family and then individual products within it. Clicking on individual products will show you the product's photo, description, and price. For the purchase, you need to pay the price listed on the website.

Adding to Cart

After selecting the product, by clicking on the "Add to Cart" button, you can add - any number of - products to the cart without creating a purchase or payment obligation, as adding to the cart does not constitute an offer.

We recommend adding the product to the cart even if you are not sure you want to purchase it, as it allows you to easily see the products you have selected at that moment, view and compare them on one screen. The contents of the cart can be freely modified until the order is finalized by pressing the "Finalize Order" button – products can be removed from the cart, new products can be added, and the quantity of selected products can be changed.

If you place the selected product in the cart, a separate window will appear with the message "Product added to the cart." If you do not want to select more products, click the "Proceed to Cart" button! If you want to review the selected product again or add another product to the cart, click the "Back to Product" button!

Viewing the Cart

During the use of the website, you can check the contents of the cart at any time by clicking on the "View Cart" icon at the top of the page. Here, you can remove selected products from the cart or change the quantity of the product. After pressing the "Update Cart" button, the system will display information corresponding to the data you have changed, including the price of the products in the cart.

If you do not want to select additional products and add them to the cart, you can continue shopping by pressing the "Order" button.

Providing Customer Data

After pressing the "Order" button, the content of the cart and the total purchase price for the products you have selected will be displayed. In the "Delivery Service" box, you must select whether you want to pick up the ordered product in person (personal pickup) or request delivery. In the case of delivery, the system will indicate the delivery fee, which you are required to pay when placing an order.

In the "User Data" text box, you can provide your email address, and in the "Billing Information" text box, you can provide your full name, address, and phone number. In the "Shipping Information" text box, the system automatically stores the data provided during "Billing Information." If you want the delivery to a different address, please remove the checkmark. In the "Note" text box, you can provide any additional information.

Reviewing the Order

After filling in the above text boxes, by clicking on the "Continue to Next Step" button, you can continue the ordering process, or by clicking on the "Cancel" button, you can delete/correct the data entered so far and go back to the Cart contents. By clicking on the "Continue to Next Step" button, you will be directed to the "Review Order" page. Here, you can see a summary of the data previously provided, including the contents of the Cart, user, billing, and shipping information, and the total amount to be paid by you (you cannot change this data here, only by clicking on the "Back" button).

Finalizing the Order (Submitting an Offer)

If you are satisfied that the contents of the cart correspond to the products you want to order, and your data is correct, by clicking on the "Place Order" button, you can finalize your order. The information provided on the website does not constitute an offer to enter into a contract by the Seller. In the case of orders falling under these General Terms and Conditions, you qualify as an offeror. By pressing the "Place Order" button, you expressly acknowledge that your offer is considered made, and your statement - upon confirmation by the Seller according to these General Terms and Conditions - entails an obligation to pay. Your offer is binding for a period of 48 hours. If the Seller does not confirm your offer within 48 hours according to the terms and conditions of these General Terms and Conditions, you are released from the offer obligation.

Order Processing, Formation of the Contract

Order processing takes place in two stages. You can place an order at any time. First, you will receive an automatic acknowledgment of receipt of your order, confirming that your order has been received through the website. However, this acknowledgment does not constitute acceptance of your offer. If you notice that the automatic confirmation email contains your data incorrectly (e.g., name, shipping address, phone number, etc.), you are obliged to immediately notify us of this fact by email, along with providing the correct information. If you do not receive the automatic confirmation email within 24 hours of placing your order, please contact us, as it is possible that your order did not arrive in our system for technical reasons.


Products marked as "In Stock" are available, orders are usually fulfilled in 1-2 business days. We pay great attention to break-resistant packaging in all cases. Our contracted partner for shipping is GLS.

Optional Domestic Delivery Methods

We consistently prioritize break-resistant packaging. Our contracted partner for shipping is GLS. If, despite careful packaging, the purchased product arrives in a damaged condition, please contact us as soon as possible. We will promptly address this issue in every case. We will request a photo of the damaged product, and we will either send a replacement or refund the price of the damaged product.

GLS Automata:

  • Have your package delivered to the nearest GLS Automat, a choice you can make when placing your order!
  • Your order is typically ready for pickup on the next business day following GLS notification.
  • Most GLS Automats are accessible 0-24 hours due to their locations.
  • To collect the package, you have 5 working days by providing the PIN code in the notification.
  • For Automat cash on delivery, payment is exclusively with a bank card.
  • Shipping cost: 0 kg-4.99 kg: HUF 1,590, 5 kg-40 kg: HUF 2,490.

GLS CsomagPont:

  • Have your package delivered to the GLS CsomagPont closest to your residence, a choice available when placing your order!
  • Your order is typically ready for pickup on the next business day after GLS notification.
  • GLS CsomagPonts are located in various profiled stores where staff assistance is available for order collection.
  • To collect the package, you have 5 working days by presenting a valid ID.
  • Shipping cost: 0 kg-4.99 kg: HUF 1,890, 5 kg-40 kg: HUF 2,490.

GLS Home Delivery:

  • Home delivery occurs on the next business day after the package is dispatched, during business hours, typically between 8 am and 5 pm.
  • GLS notifies the recipient via email once the delivery is scheduled. A second email on the morning of the delivery includes the courier's phone number and a 3-hour time slot for the expected delivery time.
  • Shipping cost: 0 kg-2.99 kg: HUF 2,490, 3 kg-4.99 kg: HUF 2,790, 5 kg-9.99 kg: HUF 2,990, 10 kg-19.99 kg: HUF 3,590, 20 kg-40 kg: HUF 3,990.

Optional Payment Methods Within the Country

1. Cash on Delivery:

  • For cash on delivery, the order total must be paid in cash to the courier during package delivery or at the GLS CsomagPont to the employee.
  • Only card payments are accepted for GLS Automat cash on delivery.

2. SimplePay Card Payment:

  • Simple, fast, and secure online card payment through the SimplePay system, ensuring transaction security through OTP Bank's IT infrastructure.
  • Card details are entered on the SimplePay interface, outside the online store, in a highly secure environment.

3. Bank Transfer:

  • Payment by bank transfer requires transferring the order total to our bank account.
  • Our bank account number is M-Invent Kft. 11742087-20082587.
  • Please include the order number as the reference.

Sales Abroad

The Seller does not distinguish between users within Hungary and those outside Hungary but within the European Union. In the absence of different provisions in this agreement, the Seller ensures the delivery/reception of ordered products within Hungary.

For purchases outside Hungary, the terms of this agreement apply. According to relevant regulations, a customer is considered a consumer if they are a citizen of a member state, have a residence in a member state, or are a business established in a member state and purchase goods or services within the European Union solely for end-use or with such intent. A consumer is a natural person acting for purposes outside their trade, business, craft, or profession.

In this case, communication and the language of purchase are in English. The Seller is not obliged to communicate with the buyer in the language of the buyer's member state.

Unless specified otherwise in the national law of the buyer's member state, the Seller applies Hungarian VAT to all products. In this case, the Seller is a small taxpayer, and the VAT rate is 0%.

Buyers can enforce their rights according to the terms of this agreement.

For electronic payment solutions, payment is made in the currency specified by the Seller, in euros. The Seller may withhold the transfer of the product until ensuring that the payment of the product price and shipping fee has been successfully and completely made using the electronic payment solution.

To facilitate the delivery of the product abroad at their own expense, buyers can request it. However, this right does not apply to Hungarian buyers.

Upon payment of the shipping fee, the Seller fulfills the order. If the buyer does not pay the shipping fee to the Seller or does not arrange their own delivery by the agreed-upon date, the Seller terminates the contract and refunds the pre-paid purchase price to the buyer.


Consumers can submit their consumer complaints related to the product or the Seller's activities through the following contacts:

Email: vevoszolgalat@fonix-keramia.hu

Online Dispute Resolution Platform

The European Commission has established a website where consumers can register, providing them with the opportunity to settle online shopping-related disputes by filling out a request, thus avoiding a court proceeding. This allows consumers to enforce their rights without being hindered, for example, by geographical distance.

If you wish to file a complaint regarding a product or service purchased online and prefer not to resort to a court, you can use the online dispute resolution tool. On the platform, you and the trader against whom you filed a complaint can jointly select the dispute resolution body to handle the complaint.

The online dispute resolution platform is accessible here: https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/odr/main/?event=main.home.show&lng=HU


Consumer Information based on Government Decree 45/2014 (II. 26.)

Information on the Consumer's Right of Withdrawal

According to Section 8:1 (1) paragraph 3 of the Civil Code, only a natural person acting outside the scope of his profession, independent occupation, or business activity qualifies as a consumer. Therefore, legal entities cannot exercise the right of withdrawal without justification!

The consumer is entitled to the right of withdrawal without justification according to Section 20 of Government Decree 45/2014 (II. 26.). The consumer can exercise the right of withdrawal

a) in the case of a sales contract for a product aa) from the day of receipt by the consumer or a third party other than the carrier, indicated by the consumer, in the case of a single product, ab) from the day of receipt of the last item in the case of multiple products purchased at the same time but delivered separately, within 14 days of the day of receipt. These provisions do not affect the consumer's right to exercise the right of withdrawal during the period between the conclusion of the contract and the receipt of the product.

If the consumer made an offer for the conclusion of the contract, the consumer has the right to withdraw the offer before the conclusion of the contract, which terminates the binding nature of the offer.

Withdrawal Declaration, Exercise of the Consumer's Right of Withdrawal or Termination

The consumer may exercise the right of withdrawal according to Section 20 of Government Decree 45/2014 (II. 26.) through a clear statement or by using the downloadable declaration form from the website.

Validity of the Consumer's Withdrawal Statement

The right of withdrawal is considered valid if the consumer sends the statement within the 14-day period. The burden of proof that the right of withdrawal was exercised in accordance with these provisions lies with the consumer. The Seller must confirm the consumer's withdrawal statement in electronic form upon its receipt.

Obligations of the Seller in Case of Consumer Withdrawal

Refund Obligation of the Seller

If the consumer withdraws from the contract in accordance with Section 22 of Government Decree 45/2014 (II. 26.), the Seller must refund the full amount paid by the consumer as consideration, including the costs incurred in connection with the performance, such as the shipping cost, no later than fourteen days from the date of learning about the withdrawal. Please note that this provision does not apply to additional costs resulting from the choice of a shipping method other than the least expensive standard delivery offered.

Mode of Seller's Refund Obligation

In the case of withdrawal or termination in accordance with Section 22 of Government Decree 45/2014 (II. 26.), the Seller must refund the consumer in the same way the payment was made. With the express consent of the consumer, the Seller may use another payment method for the refund, but no additional fees can be charged to the consumer as a result. The Seller is not responsible for delays due to incorrect or inaccurate bank account information provided by the consumer.

Additional Costs

If the consumer explicitly chooses a shipping method other than the least expensive standard delivery, the Seller is not obligated to refund the additional costs resulting from this choice. In such cases, the refund obligation is limited to the standard shipping costs indicated.

Retention Right

The Seller may withhold the amount owed to the consumer until the consumer returns the product or provides clear evidence that it has been sent back; the earlier of the two dates shall be considered.

Consumer's Obligations in Case of Withdrawal or Termination

Return of the Product

If the consumer withdraws from the contract in accordance with Section 22 of Government Decree 45/2014 (II. 26.), the consumer must return the product immediately but no later than fourteen days from the date of the withdrawal, either by sending it back or handing it over to the Seller or a person authorized by the Seller to receive the product. The return is considered timely if the consumer sends the product before the deadline expires.

Direct Costs of Returning the Product

The consumer bears the direct costs of returning the product. The product must be returned to the Seller's address. If the consumer cancels a distance or off-premises contract for the provision of services after the performance has begun, they must pay the business a proportionate amount for the services provided until the time they inform the business of the exercise of the right of withdrawal. The proportionate amount to be paid by the consumer must be calculated based on the total consideration specified in the contract, including taxes. If the consumer proves that the amount calculated in this way is excessively high, the proportionate amount must be calculated based on the market value of the services provided until the time of termination of the contract. Please note that products returned with cash on delivery or postage due cannot be accepted.

Consumer's Responsibility for Depreciation

The consumer is responsible for any depreciation in the value of the product resulting from handling it beyond what is necessary to determine its nature, properties, and functioning.

Cases Where the Right of Withdrawal Cannot Be Exercised

The Seller expressly draws your attention to the fact that you cannot exercise the right of withdrawal in the cases specified in Paragraph 29 (1) of Government Decree 45/2014 (II.26.):

a) In the case of a contract for the provision of services, once the entire service has been performed, if the business started performance with the express, prior consent of the consumer, and the consumer acknowledged that they lose their right of withdrawal after the completion of the entire service;

b) For a product or service whose price or fee is not influenced by the financial market and depends on fluctuations possible during the withdrawal period;

c) In the case of a non-premanufactured product made according to the consumer's instructions or express request, or a product that has been clearly tailored to the consumer's personal needs;

d) For perishable or short-dated products;

e) For a sealed product that, for health or hygiene reasons, cannot be returned after the seal is broken;

f) For a product that, due to its nature, becomes inseparably mixed with other products after delivery;

g) For an alcoholic beverage whose actual value depends on market fluctuations beyond the business's control, and for which the parties agreed on the price at the time of concluding the sales contract, but the performance of the contract takes place only after the thirtieth day from the conclusion;

h) In the case of a business contract where the business, at the explicit request of the consumer, visits the consumer for urgent repair or maintenance work;

i) In the sale of sealed audio, video recordings, and computer software, if the consumer has broken the seal after delivery;

j) For newspapers, journals, and periodicals, excluding subscription contracts;

k) For contracts concluded at a public auction;

l) In the case of a contract for accommodation services, except for residential services, transport, car rental, catering, or services related to recreational activities, if a specific performance date or deadline was set in the contract;

m) In the case of digital content not supplied on a tangible medium, if the business began performance with the express, prior consent of the consumer, who simultaneously acknowledged that, after the start of performance, they would lose their right of withdrawal.

Procedure for Unclaimed Packages

If the Buyer fails to accept the ordered and delivered Goods and does not notify the Seller of their unjustified withdrawal intention within the 14-day period specified by regulations, they breach the contract concluded with the Seller. The Seller is entitled to immediately terminate the contract with the Buyer due to the breach and claim the costs of unsuccessful delivery and return as penalty from the Buyer. The Parties agree to accept the use of email as the communication form by the Buyer during the order as a means of notification, and they confirm that the date of notification is when the termination letter becomes accessible in the Buyer's email account.


In accordance with Section 1(1) of Act LXXVI of 1999 on Copyright (hereinafter referred to as the "Copyright Act"), the website is considered a copyrighted work, and as such, every part of it is protected by copyright law. Pursuant to Section 16(1) of the Copyright Act, the unauthorized use of graphic and software solutions, computer program compositions found on the website, or any application that allows modification of the website or any of its parts is strictly prohibited. Reproducing any material from the website and its database, even with the written consent of the rights holder, is allowed only with proper reference to the website and acknowledgment of the source. The rights holder is: Főnix Kerámia Bt.

Privacy Policy
Name, details, and contact information of data controllers:

Owner of the webshop, producer of ceramics:
Főnix Kerámia Bt.

Address: 1 Dunaár Street, 2000 Szentendre, Hungary
Tax ID: 21375255-1-13
Company Registration Number: 13-06-044473
Phone Number: +36 70 360 2791
Email: vevoszolgalat@fonix-keramia.hu


Operator of the webshop, shipping:
M-Invent Kft.

Address: 16 Muskotály Street, 2000 Szentendre, Hungary
Tax ID: 14670015-2-13 Company
Registration Number: 13-09-126908
Phone Number: +36 70 367 4067 Email: vevoszolgalat@fonix-keramia.hu


The owner and operator of this webshop acknowledge the content of this information as binding and undertake to ensure that every element of this policy has been developed in accordance with the current legal requirements and expectations. The data processing necessary for the operation of the webshop is based on the voluntary consent of the data subject. The Data Processing Information is consistently available at https://www.fonix-keramia.hu/shop_help.php?tab=privacy_policy.

This data processing information is in accordance with current legislation on data protection, particularly:

  • Act CXII of 2011 on informational self-determination and freedom of information (Infotv.);
  • Act XLVIII of 2008 on the basic conditions and certain restrictions of economic advertising activities (Grt.);
  • Act C of 2003 on electronic communications (Eht.).

The data controller provides information on the key definitions found in Act CXII of 2011 (hereinafter: Infotv.). The complete definitions can be found in Section 3 of Infotv.

  • User or Data Subject: Any identified or identifiable natural person based on specific personal data, directly or indirectly.

  • Personal Data: Any data related to the data subject - particularly the name, identifier, and information characteristic of one or more physical, physiological, mental, economic, cultural, or social identities of the data subject - as well as any conclusions that can be drawn from the data about the data subject.

  • Consent: The voluntary and unambiguous expression of the will of the data subject, based on adequate information, by which they give their unmistakable consent to the processing of their personal data - either comprehensive or specific.

  • Data Controller: The natural or legal person, or organization without legal personality, who or which independently or jointly with others determines the purpose of data processing, makes and executes decisions regarding data processing (including the means used), or executes it with a data processor.

  • Data Processing: Any operation or set of operations on data, regardless of the applied procedure, including collection, recording, organization, storage, alteration, use, querying, transmission, disclosure, alignment or combination, blocking, erasure, and destruction of data, as well as preventing further use of the data; the creation of a photo, sound, or image recording; and the recording of physical characteristics suitable for identifying a person (e.g., fingerprints, DNA, iris image).

  • Data Transfer: Making data accessible to a specific third party.

  • Disclosure: Making data accessible to anyone.

  • Data Erasure: Making data unrecognizable in a way that its restoration is no longer possible.

  • Data Processing: Performing technical tasks related to data processing operations, regardless of the method and tool used, and the location of application, provided that the technical task is performed on the data.

  • Data Processor: The natural or legal person, or organization without legal personality, who or which, based on a contract - including a contract concluded under the provisions of the law - processes data.

  • Third Party: Any natural or legal person, or organization without legal personality, who or which is not identical to the data subject, the data controller, or the data processor.


Personal data may only be processed for specified purposes, exercising rights, and fulfilling obligations. At every stage of data processing, it must comply with the purpose of processing, and the collection and processing of data must be fair and lawful. Only personal data that is essential for achieving the purpose of processing and suitable for achieving the goal can be processed. Personal data can only be processed to the extent and for the duration necessary to achieve the purpose. Personal data may only be processed if the data subject consents to it, or if a law or, based on the authorization of a law, a local government decree orders it for a purpose based on public interest. For the validity of a declaration of consent containing the consent of a minor who has reached the age of 16, the consent or subsequent approval of their legal representative is not required.


a. Data processing related to the main activity of the data controller

Purpose of data processing: Personal data is processed when it is absolutely necessary for the performance of the service provided based on the General Terms and Conditions (hereinafter: main activity). In this case, the purpose of data processing is to facilitate and fulfill orders.

Legal basis for data processing: Voluntary consent of the data subject.

Scope of processed data:

  • For the establishment, determination of content, modification, monitoring of performance, invoicing of fees, and enforcement of related claims arising from the contract, the User's natural personal identification data are processed: name, email address, home address, shipping address if different from the home address, billing name, phone number.
  • For invoicing fees arising from the contract, the User's natural personal identification data, address, and data related to the time, duration, and location of service utilization are processed.
  • For the provision of the service, the necessary personal data for the technical provision of the service are processed.

Duration of data processing: In the case of purchases with registration, data processing lasts until withdrawal. In the case of purchases without registration, the Data Controller deletes the data after the failure to conclude the contract, the termination of the contract, and 7 years after invoicing.

Persons authorized to access the data: All employees of the Data Controller have access to the processed data during the performance of the main activity.

Data Controllers:

Webshop Owner: Főnix Kerámia Bt.

Webshop Operator: M-Invent Kft.

Information on Using Data Processors: The Data Controller may use a Data Processor for order fulfillment and settlement in the scope of the main activity described under point 5./a. Data processors are contracted partners of the Data Controller.

Data Processor Names:

  1. Company Name: UNAS Online Kft. (Hosting and System Service Provider)

  2. Company Name: GLS Hungary Kft. (Carrier)

    • Headquarters: 2 GLS Európa Street, 2351 Alsónémedi, Hungary
    • Company Registration Number: 13-09-111755
    • Tax ID: 12369410-2-44

b. Electronic Newsletter Sent by the Data Controller

Purpose of Data Processing: Sending newsletters to interested parties, providing information about new product introductions, and current promotions. The newsletter sent by the Data Controller may contain commercial advertisements.

Legal Basis for Data Processing: Voluntary consent of the data subject and the provisions of Section 6(5) of Act XLVIII of 2008 on the basic conditions and certain restrictions of economic advertising activities.

Scope of Processed Data: The last name, first name, and email address of the data subject.

Duration of Data Processing: Until withdrawal. Consent can be withdrawn at any time without limitation or justification, free of charge. It can be done personally by clicking the Unsubscribe button at the bottom of the newsletter or by initiating it through an email to customer service.

Persons Authorized to Access the Data: The Data Controller uses a data processor to send newsletters, ensuring the adequate protection of personal data transferred abroad through Privacy Shield registration.

Data Processor's Details:

Company Name: UNAS Online Kft.

c. Other Data Processing

Cookies: A cookie is an information package consisting of letters and numbers sent by the Főnix Kerámia website to the user's browser with the purpose of saving certain settings, facilitating website usage, and contributing to collecting statistical information about visitors.

  • Session Cookie: Automatically deleted after a session (page visit). These cookies are essential for the secure operation of the online store and are necessary for all functions related to purchasing and ordering to work flawlessly.

Users can enable or disable cookie installation on their internet browsers. However, rejecting all cookies can enhance the protection of personal data but may limit the usability of some websites. Users can usually manage cookie settings in the Privacy or Cookie sections under Tools/Settings in the browser menu.

Google Analytics: The Data Controller primarily uses the Google Analytics program for statistical purposes, measuring the effectiveness of campaigns, tracking the number of visitors, and the time they spend on the website. The program recognizes visitors' IP addresses to determine if they are new or returning and tracks their path on the website.

Google Remarketing: Using the Google Remarketing program, the Data Controller collects data from the DoubleClick cookie in addition to the usual Google Analytics data. This enables the use of remarketing services, ensuring that visitors encounter the Data Controller's advertisements on Google's free advertising spaces.

Google AdWords Conversion Tracking: The purpose of Google AdWords conversion tracking is to measure the effectiveness of AdWords advertisements. This is done using cookies placed on the user's computer, lasting 30 days and not collecting personal data.

Facebook Remarketing: The Data Controller uses the Facebook remarketing pixel to increase the effectiveness of Facebook ads, building a remarketing list. After visiting the website, external providers like Facebook can display ads on other internet sites. Remarketing lists do not identify individuals, containing no personal data, only identifying the browsing software.

Disabling Cookies: Users can manage or disable cookie settings on their computers through their browsers. The exact location depends on the browser but is generally found under Tools > Settings > Privacy Settings. Users can also install the Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on to prevent Google Analytics from creating reports on their visits.

The Data Controller informs data subjects that, upon request, they may disclose information about processed data to the court, public prosecutor, investigative authority, administrative authority, National Authority for Data Protection and Freedom of Information, or other bodies as mandated by law or official request.

6. Information on Data Security Measures

The Data Controller ensures data security during storage and preservation in accordance with relevant legal requirements, safeguarding the privacy of data subjects. Unauthorized access and any form of unauthorized data processing are prevented using available technical means.

To protect electronically managed data in various records, the Data Controller employs appropriate technical solutions to ensure that data stored in records cannot be directly linked or attributed to data subjects unless permitted by law.

7. Rights of Data Subjects and Means of Enforcement

During the data processing period, users have the right to:

  • Obtain information on the types of data processed by the Data Controller for specific purposes.
  • Request correction of their data.
  • Request the deletion or blocking of their data, subject to legal exceptions.
  • Object to data processing.

Requests and inquiries can be sent to the following contacts:

The Data Controller will provide information in writing within 25 days of receiving the request. The right to delete does not apply if the law obliges the Data Controller to further store the data or if the Data Controller is authorized to continue processing under Section 6(5) of the Infotv. (e.g., for invoicing).

For further details on user rights, refer to Act CXII of 2011 on informational self-determination and freedom of information, Sections 14-19 and 21-23.

In case of legal violations or improper procedures related to data processing, users can initiate proceedings against the Service Provider at the National Authority for Data Protection and Freedom of Information (address: 1530 Budapest, Pf.: 5., email: ugyfelszolgalat@naih.hu) or before a court.

The Data Controller reserves the right to modify this privacy statement. This Data Processing Information became effective on May 23, 2018.